This is the keys only. They are to my NEWLY STOLEN 2009 Hayabusa. WHite in color. HID lights were on it with paint match side panels. Come get the keys you son of a bitch. You have a copy of my Drivers License in the paperwork on the bike so you know where to come. Trust
me, I will get the camera footage from the airport and you will be found and my baby will be returned to me. I highly
suggest my shit turns up in the parking spot you took it
from or in front of my house. I will give you 48 hours (no
questions asked) and if its not there, I will hunt you down, sleep with your wife, drive your car, take half your shit from
the divorce, (maybe I should thank you in advance cuz your wife I'm sure is a freak in bed and half your shit is probly pretty cool) and put yo nasty ass in prison for SILLY
TIME. Don't worry, I'll take care of that ass and Your kids while daddy is away. So, its now 900pm on WED, Ill see you by Friday. Make it happen.